Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Photos! Ye devious photos!

Well Hello Again!

Today looks to be a pretty good day.  I started out at 7:00 this morning sorting through the 2,600 photos that I have sitting on my computer in a folder.  That's right.  2,600.   It might as well be a million because don't see these photos EVER ending!

I tend to be one of those people that bug you.  You know the type: organized down to every single little detail that it annoys you, but if you were to walk into their home, you would see a bunch of clutter because their organization is linked to one centralized type of material.  Yep.  That's me.

I take each photo and look at it.  I identify all the people in it, and then I sort it to various photo albums or folders.  For instance, if I have a photo of my husband, my two kids, and my dog, I put a copy of the photo in the dog's photo album, a copy into my husband's album, and a copy in each child's album under the correct month of the year.  I know.  It sounds a little extreme, but it works well for me!  This way, if I say "Man, I need a good picture of my husband" I can open up his folder and find EVERY photo he is in.  Also, if I say to myself "I need a picture of the boys from when we were on vacation last July" I can look up the "July 2010" folder, and I'll find pictures of both of my kids together, whether I open the one under "Mason" or "Andrew." Crazy, right?

So, when I put a "new pics" folder on my computer 6 months ago, and just kept adding photos, but never sorted any photos, the 2,600 photos became a task of epic proportions!  It literally took me 2 1/2 hours this morning to sort through half of them.  But hey, halfway is better than "still accruing...", right??

In celebration of sorting through that many stinking photos, here is one of my favorites over the last few months.  I hope you don't mind seeing my kiddos and family in this one, but I just had to share because they are just too stinkin' cute!  Enjoy!


 Our Fam at St Edwards State Park, Kenmore

Piggy Backs at St Edwards State Park
Muscle Men!

1 comment:

  1. You need to learn about tagging photos. It will save you tons of hard-drive space!!!
